Class ActiveObjective


public class ActiveObjective extends Object
This is a special object for active objectives. Apart from the main Objective object which stores information about what defines the objective itself, it contains other information like the ActiveQuest for which the objective is (the ActiveQuest object ALSO stores this ActiveObjective object, so they can access each other).

It also contains the progress and information about if this active objective has been completed - because there is NO CompletedObjective object. Completed objectives will still be instances of the ActiveObjective class.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setUnlocked

      public final void setUnlocked(boolean unlocked, boolean notifyPlayer, boolean triggerAcceptQuestTrigger)
    • isUnlocked

      public final boolean isUnlocked()
    • updateUnlocked

      public void updateUnlocked(boolean notifyPlayer, boolean triggerAcceptQuestTrigger)
    • getObjective

      public final Objective getObjective()
    • getProgressNeeded

      public final long getProgressNeeded()
    • getCurrentProgress

      public final long getCurrentProgress()
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, boolean silent)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, int NPCID)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, int NPCID, boolean silent)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, UUID armorStandUUID)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, UUID armorStandUUID, boolean silent)
    • addProgress

      public void addProgress(long progressToAdd, int NPCID, UUID armorStandUUID, boolean silent)
    • removeProgress

      public void removeProgress(int i, boolean capAtZero)
    • isCompleted

      public final boolean isCompleted(int NPCID)
    • isCompleted

      public final boolean isCompleted(UUID armorStandUUID)
    • getQuestPlayer

      public final QuestPlayer getQuestPlayer()
    • getActiveQuest

      public final ActiveQuest getActiveQuest()
    • getObjectiveID

      public final int getObjectiveID()
    • hasBeenCompleted

      public final boolean hasBeenCompleted()
    • setHasBeenCompleted

      public void setHasBeenCompleted(boolean hasBeenCompleted)