Class CompletedQuest


public class CompletedQuest extends Object
This is a special object for completed quests. Unlike the ActiveQuest object, it does not need to contain the progress, as it's already expected that progress = complete. Apart from, obviously, the quest object, to know what quest it was, it additionally contains the time it was completed (System.currentTimeMilis thingy) and the questPlayer object, to know who finished the active quest.

The timeCompleted is needed for the quest cooldown to work. All completed quests for a player are saved in the Database.

  • Constructor Details

    • CompletedQuest

      public CompletedQuest(Quest quest, QuestPlayer questPlayer)
    • CompletedQuest

      public CompletedQuest(Quest quest, QuestPlayer questPlayer, long timeCompleted)
  • Method Details

    • getQuest

      public final Quest getQuest()
    • getQuestPlayer

      public final QuestPlayer getQuestPlayer()
    • getTimeCompleted

      public final long getTimeCompleted()
    • getQuestName

      public final String getQuestName()