Class NotQuests


public class NotQuests extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • NotQuests

      public NotQuests( main)
  • Method Details

    • getMain

      public final getMain()
    • onLoad

      public void onLoad()
    • isAdventureEnabled

      public boolean isAdventureEnabled()
    • adventure

      public net.kyori.adventure.platform.bukkit.BukkitAudiences adventure()
    • getInstance

      public static NotQuests getInstance()
    • getConfiguration

      public Configuration getConfiguration()
    • onEnable

      public void onEnable()
      Called when the plugin is enabled. A bunch of stuff is initialized here
    • setupBStats

      public void setupBStats()
    • onDisable

      public void onDisable()
      Called when the plugin is disabled or reloaded via ServerUtils / PlugMan
    • getQuestManager

      public QuestManager getQuestManager()
      Returns an instance of the QuestManager which handles the saving and loading of configured Quests
      an instance of the Quest Manager
    • getQuestPlayerManager

      public QuestPlayerManager getQuestPlayerManager()
      Returns an instance of the QuestPlayer Manager which handles the saving and loading of player data
      an instance of the QuestPlayer Manager
    • getDataManager

      public DataManager getDataManager()
      Returns an instance of the Data Manager which handles all kinds of MySQL & configuration loading and saving
      an instance of the Data Manager
    • getActionsYMLManager

      public ActionsYMLManager getActionsYMLManager()
    • getConditionsYMLManager

      public ConditionsYMLManager getConditionsYMLManager()
    • getMetrics

      public org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics getMetrics()
      Returns an instance of the bStats Metrics object
      bStats Metrics object
    • getLanguageManager

      public LanguageManager getLanguageManager()
    • getLogManager

      public LogManager getLogManager()
    • getUtilManager

      public UtilManager getUtilManager()
    • getArmorStandManager

      public ArmorStandManager getArmorStandManager()
    • getPerformanceManager

      public PerformanceManager getPerformanceManager()
    • getObjectiveManager

      public ObjectiveManager getObjectiveManager()
    • getConditionsManager

      public ConditionsManager getConditionsManager()
    • getActionManager

      public ActionManager getActionManager()
    • getTriggerManager

      public TriggerManager getTriggerManager()
    • getCommandManager

      public CommandManager getCommandManager()
    • getConversationManager

      public ConversationManager getConversationManager()
    • getPacketManager

      public PacketManager getPacketManager()
    • getUpdateManager

      public UpdateManager getUpdateManager()
    • getGuiManager

      public GUIManager getGuiManager()
    • getBackupManager

      public BackupManager getBackupManager()
    • getIntegrationsManager

      public IntegrationsManager getIntegrationsManager()