Class QuestPlayer


public class QuestPlayer extends Object
The QuestPlayer Object is initialized for every player, once they join the server - loading its data from the database. It contains all kinds of player data for that player, like active quests, completed quests and quest points. Completed Quests are saved too, for things like Quest History (Future feature), or handling the maxAccepts per quest / the quest cooldown.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • addActiveQuest

      public String addActiveQuest(ActiveQuest quest, boolean triggerAcceptQuestTrigger, boolean sendQuestInfo)
    • forceAddActiveQuest

      public String forceAddActiveQuest(ActiveQuest quest, boolean triggerAcceptQuestTrigger)
    • getUUID

      public final UUID getUUID()
    • getActiveQuests

      public final ArrayList<ActiveQuest> getActiveQuests()
    • giveReward

      public void giveReward(Quest quest)
    • sendMessage

      public void sendMessage(String message)
    • sendDebugMessage

      public void sendDebugMessage(String message)
    • getCompletedQuests

      public final ArrayList<CompletedQuest> getCompletedQuests()
    • forceActiveQuestCompleted

      public void forceActiveQuestCompleted(ActiveQuest activeQuest)
    • notifyActiveQuestCompleted

      public void notifyActiveQuestCompleted(ActiveQuest activeQuest)
    • setQuestPoints

      public void setQuestPoints(long newQuestPoints, boolean notifyPlayer)
    • addQuestPoints

      public void addQuestPoints(long questPointsToAdd, boolean notifyPlayer)
    • removeQuestPoints

      public void removeQuestPoints(long questPointsToRemove, boolean notifyPlayer)
    • getQuestPoints

      public final long getQuestPoints()
    • removeCompletedQuests

      public void removeCompletedQuests()
    • addCompletedQuest

      public void addCompletedQuest(CompletedQuest completedQuest)
    • failQuest

      public void failQuest(ActiveQuest activeQuestToFail)
    • getActiveQuestsCopy

      public ArrayList<ActiveQuest> getActiveQuestsCopy()
    • hasAcceptedQuest

      public final boolean hasAcceptedQuest(Quest quest)
    • getPlayer

      public final org.bukkit.entity.Player getPlayer()
    • getActiveQuest

      public final ActiveQuest getActiveQuest(Quest quest)